It is a beautiful November morning here on the East Coast. Fall is displaying her best ! The air is crisp and chilly while the sun shines brightly . I couldn't help myself, despite the cold I just had to go for a walk. The blue skies were calling my name. The freedom of being able to move throughout the neighborhood filled with trees, and squirrels is spiritual food for me.
I noticed this morning particular smells in the air. Different scents strong in freshness. As I would walk down the street I would encounter two or three different areas where the scents varied and touched each other. It made me stop and breath slow. I wanted that moment to be burned into my memory. It was glorious. The whole moment was complete in timing and experience.
I found myself searching for the smells. It took about 20 mins and then it hit me . The smell was coming from the dryer vents in people's homes. The smell was a variety of dryer sheets and softeners being blasted into the cold air through an exhaust on a clothes dryer. What a beautiful metaphor for the joy of a Christian.
When a christian walks in the joy of the Lord it releases a smell into the environment that is so sweet and noticeable in a cold world. May the people that walk by me or interact with me during my day be attracted to the scent of kindness coming from me. May the people notice the refreshing scent of positive conversation. It is a beautiful morning here on the East Coast and because of dryer sheets I am motivated to reach my highest level of joy and peace in my day today. How about you ?? Will you join me ??