I recently moved to Carlisle, PA. We moved into a town home community right across the street from the War College. First thing that I noticed about my new neighborhood is that there are many cultures living in one community. Most of the people living here are temporary residents as their spouse attends the war college. I have met people from Thailand, India, Bosnia, and I have noticed we have a high number of Muslims. For me to walk to the school bus stop and witness women covered in their black dresses and head wraps was a little uncomfortable. I instantly wanted to throw out the name of Jesus in their face as if I were to punish them. I have always believed that where ever I am is where God wants me to be and that I don't end up in places by accident. I love to testify to the goodness of my Lord. He has been my night and shining armor since the days I was alone ,beaten and used. It has been a long time since those days but I will never forget what His Grace saved me from and how he has restored my life. Hearing of the persecution of Christians by the Islam's Extremist ISIS has tainted my thoughts and my actions towards these women at the same bus stop as me. I cried out to my Lord in my heart with the most honest cries ever. I am terrified of living next to people whom believe in someone other than my Lord. Jesus is the truth and the living son of God. Jesus is the only who can save. Why would you send me here Lord? Why?
Last night I curled up in my bed early evening abandoning all my duties as a Mother, thankfully my husband recognized something going on in me and stepped up to the plate and made dinner and took my daughter to her gym class. I didn't tell anyone the thoughts that were pounding inside of my head. I was simply living in a moment of great fear and confusion as I allowed my imagination to run to places that were not my reality. All I could say to myself and to Jesus is that I don't want to be here .
I woke up refreshed and found myself with a new perspective. The Lord revealed to me that my calling here is kindness and joy. As I walked my kids to the bus stop this morning I was a little shaken when the woman wearing traditional Muslim attired walked out her door and made her way towards the same bus stop. As my heart wanted to again fill up with hatred and fear the Spirit of the Living God rose up in me and I looked her way and smiled saying good morning. She was startled. She returned my smile and said good morning . As the kids left the two of us stood side by side. I allowed the joy of the Lord to be my choice of attitude and I introduced myself and shared conversation. She is a very nice woman by the name of Hooda. She has only been hear two months and has not made many friends. She spends her day alone in the home all day while her husband attends the War College on The Carlisle Barracks. She was radiant as I allowed myself to be kind and joyful almost as if she was shedding the same hatred and fear as I was. I am not sure of God's plan but I do know this, he didn't send me here to be afraid or to hate. If I am to share my testimony of his goodness I am to do so by being kind and a living example of the Joy he can place into one's heart and life. It's hard to say if Hooda and I will become good friends or not but if we do I will consider it a blessing. I look forward to the many new experiences God has in store for me here. I am not a new believer. I have been walking with the Lord for almost 10 years now and he has shown me things that are supernatural and only of Him. I will have faith as I live out my days here in this community. In Jesus Name may the light of his love shine through me.