Yes I know I am always in Cheer Leader Mode ! lol I am energized for the Goodness of God. His Mercy and Grace Motivate me !! How can I not be in cheer leader mode ? His Love has saved my life more than a couple of times. My encouragement comes the form of don't underestimate yourself. God can use you in the greatest ways. We may only feel as if our world is so dysfunctional and never ending story of bad stuff and hard times. One of the greatest things I ever learned is that feelings aren't always truth. Who you are is a child of the mOst High. The Son of God ,Jesus, calls us friend. He makes us right with God. WE are no longer chained to death. Your day is filled with moments of simple things that God is using in big ways in someone's life. That small little thing that you did or wanna do is going to represent the realness of God in someone's life. God will show up in your ways and you will see His presence and you will be floored. yOu will develop this signature language between just the two of you !!!!! We must let go of selfishness. I once a girl who dwelled in condemnation. I would mess up and then spend days punishing myself in my own thoughts to the point I had anxiety. Then I realized I was being selfish. I never associated selfish with bad thought life. For me this was true. Learning to focus on others has helped me heal my thought life. I know I still mess up sometimes and somedays are not good days but over all I have over come the temptation to hate myself. I think it is a temptation to beat ourselves up. Inwardly focused we are not available to be used in mighty ways. Please don't underestimate our Lord and think that He can't use you in a mighty way. He can and He will. Let go and let people in. Doesn't matter how long or what words are being shared , the thing that makes wearing kindness as a perspective is that Jesus will begin to show up and reveal himself. You will get sprung and fall in love and lay up at night with your eyes twinkling in wonderment of who He Is!! The Lover of YOur Soul.
The biggest small things that have impacted my life came from a couple people from FLC. Freedom Life Church, Hampton Va.One person whom most of us know is David Abbott, he once came to a event at my home and gave us all: I am Loved "pins to wear. Little cute , round pins . That thing impacted my whole family. Right now at this moment I have about 3 of them maybe 4 pinned to special places in my home. Davids simple Act of kindness was divine in nature ! A mighty move of God in my life. God has used this to reveal himself to me. Little things are the biggest things when we are walking in relationship with Jesus. Father God has this incredible story and your in it. He is the greatest author ever known !! Don't be afraid or scared. Don't let the butterflies in your stomach stop you. Once you start taking that chance and step out in faith and impact anothers life by listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit , things will change. You will begin to long for those type of moments. YOu will get excited and geeked for how you will see your lord that day. When Jesus is living in your days not just your heart , He can do great things. Be of Cheer !! Don't think about what others will think. Think about what your Father thinks. In the beginning we all mess up but when you mess up with Him , he uses it in way that it becomes valuable because it has revealed Him. No longer a
mistake but a page in restoration ! Don't hide your heart . Don't hide who you are. Let it be seen. Let it be open and honest with your circle of influence so that Jesus may do great and mighty things in your life .
I am praying and declaring that as you read this the burning of the fire of the living water enters you and you are ignited in desire to see His face in this day.