Sunday, December 29, 2013

Too Much Stuff

We have too much
If what we struggle is trust
As a people of this great nation
we are  excercising the right to wasting
we want so much
never ending cycle of buying
throwing away ha'f 
watching the others crying
commercials of those dying for food
we change the channel ~

Wheres the good
that once stood
on the corner in every street
Old school ways 
 were simple and sweet
people of respect

where have we lost being the light
standing in line prepared to fight
over a tv, a lap top , a radio
while babies in other places  die from mosquitoes
children with no clean water
a daddy abusing his daughter
young kids dying of cancer
girls mistaking a boy for a man
men wanting girls over women
it doesn't end
it goes and continues
with or without us
it continues
on the road of darkness
who is the light~

we have to much
 we are with too much

we need to put the stuff down
look around

touch something real
share a thought 
its a very big deal

become species of kindness

first we recognize the fright , it';s in their eyes
oh yes they put on a big disguise
all tuff and bad and bold
truth is they easy to fold
how is that right, in my age i can see
some unconditional love is needed
but my stuff, they want my stuff ~

we have to much stuff
we are over stimuli zed
life is best when simple
small of places of living
people become more giving~

living hard
creates a cord
we have too much stuff~

im letting go
i want to know
what it is to not have stuff
but to know and be known~

investing in value
of people
in young people
in old people
in all people

we are his delight
we are his heart
but we have to much~

sharing games and digits
never mentioning the secrets
of heaven and all its glory
never ending story
we have too much stuff

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