Accessories. Woman love accessories.Have you ever been walking down the street and find yourself starring in awe over someone's outfit? Sometimes the outfit itself is so simple but in a world of accessories simple pops to life. For me personally I prefer only to accessorize with real gold. I don't wear anything except gold. This truth about me intrigues my very own self into digging deeper into my own existence. The existence I have spiritually relating to God. I only wear Gold.? How can this truth be related in the spiritual realm ??
Got Me Thinking~
On a spiritual level, the level in which God and Heaven exist, my soul is the outfit. The basic principal of who I am . My character, my personality. My choices, my actions. So many accessories the world offers for one's soul ! My goodness, the world is the biggest dollar store for fashion accessories of the spirit. But just like the dollar store most of it's stuff is cheap. Breaks easy. We go in there racking up a whole lot of money and time raking in cheap, breakable accessories of our spirit.We spend time chasing the image the world says is "the right one". Everything we try to get is never the one that pops our spirit into life.
But what if we take the time to choose the right accessories?What if we don't go to the dollar store of life but go to the source of it all , God ? What if we took the time to accessorize ourselves with the very word of God? What if everything we wore was only good ?
What if we sat down in a space full of good things to choose from and create for ourselves a beautiful piece, to wear as a token to the beauty of the piece not of ourselves?
I must admit at this very moment as I write this I am kicking myself in the behind . As someone who will only wear gold, I am surprised at how much junk I allow into my spirit . I won't let junk touch my skin but I sure was bad at letting junk touch my spirit.
I want to be the kind of person who gives encouragement. To be encouraged is such a breath of fresh air. God has placed people in my life who are of encouragement. It is partly due to their words of life that I am able to write this now. I want to be that for you. If you find yourself reading this, then find yourself encouraged ! God loves you and with the right accessories your just a pop away from life and life abundantly !!!. His word is somewhere close to you. Grab it and read it.
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