Thursday, July 17, 2014

God is ...

Time to rise
never said the sun
golden bright light is its purpose
it exists in its purpose
how i long for its warmth

time to change from my skin to my feather
never said no bug
it just took the time to build its house
how i love to see it fly

oh no i must burst forth my color
never said no flower
it just bent with the wind and released from within
the purple of the flower is my pleasure

the sounds of the ocean do no wait for an audience
they display majesty for simple perfection of design
how i am softened by the whisper of salt water

the trees so tall and very large
they didn't become that way without reason
they are alive in and out of season
the things a tree can make me feel  with one touch of it's greatness

The eyes of others cannot disguise
i am deeply cut or highly healed through the contents of a living lens
the power of light doesn't shine in , its shines out
darkness is a state
in which i am no longer in
my lens are reflecting and life is at begin

come , come and raise your hand
its ok to learn but not to stand
agreement the power cord of a crowd

i still get goose bumps when this is breathing
spirit is leading not deceiving
darkness is the lie

God has called us to rise like the sun,
let the colors of your creation come through
transform like  the caterpillar
worship like the ocean
stand strong and tall like the trees
let our eyes reflect the light and most of all
stand in agreement that God is ....

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