The grace practice, some might say "what is that"? . We practice things without intent. What ever we find ourselves repeating is something we practice at. W ether we acknowledge that or not. As grown folks we can tell our kids the reason why we color so good, make doing dishes look so easy is because we have spent years doing it practicing over and over again. We explain this process to our kids to help them understand that one day they too will be a grown up capable of many many things.
The hardest thing in my life I had to learn practicing is grace. God's grace released me the moment I said yes to my Savior but still spent so many years in the struggle. Still do in fact but my struggles have changed. I am not where I used to be and that is how this grace works. Changing us into the image of Him. When I allowed myself to practice forgiving myself and receiving his grace in it's fullness something started seriously changing deep within .
I found myself in possession of the grace card. I had received it and now I have a big clue on how to give it. I am in a place where I can see people in all their fullness and my first reaction is not hate or judgment . There was a time in my life where that would of been impossible for me. It feels good. I am at ease. I am no longer really dealing with anxiety. I am calm. I am breathing. I am walking in his goodness. It is such a wonderful place to be in. I have been transparent about my life, my past. I have an unusual story. My story is not one full of gold medals an college parties. Yet to be able to share with the world that despite my past , my future is a total different story . My tomorrows are way bigger than my today's. I am capable and successful. I am loved by the King. He has changed my name to Redeemed. Who am I to withhold that same attitude to a fellow human being ?
I have always had these opinions . The difference for me is I have started doing more than saying. I have people in my life who push me to my limits. We may go through it at times, things get real intense but regardless of what it was or how bad it got I find it easy to return with open hearts and a clean slate. I am not holding on to stuff anymore.I let it go. It is such an amazing gift to know that God;s grace has loved me right into over flowing . Enough grace covering my life it can overflow into the next person;s life drawing them in and covering them in goodness . God works through his goodness. God doesn't need fear to win people over for the kingdom. God's goodness is what wins the sinner.
If you find yourself struggling to give grace, maybe you should do your grace practice. Practice receiving it in your own life and watch yourself change into a grace giver as well.
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