I am so tired of talking religion. I am so tired of reading blog posts on what does it truly mean to be a Christian. I am fed up with the opinions of some Christians on why they think other Christians are not living all that God has for them. Honestly I think if you are in a place where you don't feel as if your relationship with God can go any higher ,to the next step of enlightenment then your probably in more danger than the christians your talking about. Nothing can compare to the foul taste of spiritual death stank than that of a self righteous person. Come on now, we all have to much to say about what other people are doing. Last time I checked it was Jesus on the cross not you. I watch the news and I watch the news feed. Since when did we really start reporting tweets ?? Seriously ?
I tell you what I will make a deal with you . If your in my life and I am in yours then let's not talk about religion. Let's not talk about how we should be. Lets just be. Let's spend our time together doing things like going out to eat or shopping or gardening or baking. I am going to see you and you will see me. We will witness each other's character. I will observe how you treat other people that cross our paths and you will do so with me. We will have the opportunities through out each day to be either kind or self ish. It is nothing you can do to eliminate the fact that you share this world with other people right outside your door or on the other side of your living room wall. I think all of us would love to live on an exotic island alone but truth is it's not going to happen. We are not alone in this world or in this life. We may feel alone but we are not alone. The world is booming with people. Poor , rich, homeless, stuck up, moody, hateful, evil, beautiful, poetic, random, hyper, young , innocent , the list goes on and on of the people we share this life with. So let's keep this straight... l don't want to sit around and talk your religion with you... I wannna stir around some people and see how you treat people , to me that is your religion.
Stop talking about it and start being about it. Who you ask? , well the first person every morning who you should be a blessing to is yourself. Encourage that person because that's the first place grace should be effective. Too much talking. Too many mouths and not enough hands. Too many weapons and not enough ears. Too many wants and not enough giving. Too many victims and not enough heroes.
I am tired of listening to those who talk and then treat you like they don't know you when they are finished. I am tired of hearing and not seeing.. How you treat a people is your religion.
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