There is a girl I know. Really she is not a girl but a full grown woman. She is soft in her effort to stand out yet she does stand out. She is little in her frame but when she speaks her voice carries a mightyness to it. She is soft spoken yet her poetry she reads is so full of things unexpected. She has been through the valley of rage yet her hands are gentle in all the things she does.
The woman and me once had a chance to sit and have coffee. She shared with me her wants. She wants what we all want. Her desire is to find a time to shine. Don't we all desire this ? I know I do. There is so much inside of her that has been created to benefit other people other than herself. Yet she says to me to not share what she has told. Out of respect I keep her desires to myself.
Time was going by and each day she seemed to be getting smaller . Her face was slowly loosing it's fullness and her clothes began to wiggle more in the breeze than before. She had eyes as big as ripe fruit yet she had little say. I knew what she was walking through. She was fasting and seeking the Lord. She was going to the thrown to reconfirm what her desires were. She wanted God's direction not her own. She was so full of talent already. Yet she found the motivation I think we all need. She went to the thrown quietly . She didn't shout it fromt the roof tops. She was humble and on fire at the same time she found the courage to quiet herself. I could only watch in total awe of her desire to find God in a deeper place than ever before.
This woman has changed my perception of going after something. She was a living example of humble at one of the Writer's Events I host at my home. She has been a member since the group was created. She shared incredible testimony of overcoming anger and rage in younger years. This testimony captivated me because to me in my eyes she was everything opposite of anger and rage. She had found the mountain top and had defeated such an emotional prison. Yet at this last event she remained so quiet. I couldn';t help but notice her the entire evening. I knew what she was going through. She was fasting but she was doing more than that. She was waiting for God . She kept taking deep gasping breaths of air , as she would hold them in I would silently pray . What was she gasping for ? I was concerned yet I knew she was alright. She was in the shadow of the king in a stronger way than any of us could comprehend. She was in total denial of herself in complete longing for more of Jesus. How could she have the ability to be so true to the denial of the human body in search of a greater reality? I couldn't understand yet, I was witnessing it. She was ministering to me without saying a word. I knew that when she came out this on the other side something great was going to happen. She was seeking harder than anyone ever before.
A couple months later as I worked the coffee bar at my church she came around the corner. She was glowing. She was almost floating on the air as she walked. Her fullness had come back to her but the light shining out of her were like flashlights under her skin. She was nothing less than total Radiance. Her long journey of seeking had come to a place where she was now receiving and it continued to speak to me. Her smile was of complete joy. Her hands were happy as they did the job she so whole heartedly wanted to do. She is in her place without any doubt. No only did she know she wanted it, she took the time and put in 110% effort to seek the Lord and make sure her desires were of Him. Now not only did she find her radiance, she found it freely given to her through Christ and His mighty Spirit. She sought and she found her radiance and I am here writing about it because for me it was like watching a woman go from remembering her dead life to being reborn into a new life, Light and power. Thank you Amanda for being so transparent allowing me to see the courageous heart of a woman who was hungry for God. You found your radiance and I applaud you. I encourage you to feel confident in your steps because truly God is with you.
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